How To Get Involved

Become a Partner

The Kruid Charitable Foundation is non profit organization. We are currently looking for corporate and individual partners to help us connect our communities to fundamental issues related to veterans, their families, young leaders and giving a helping hand to those who may need our services. You have the ability to become a founding partner which will have a comprehensive impact on the growth of the foundation. Please email to discuss how you are able to partner with our organization.

Sponsor Events

The Kruid Charitable Foundation will host annual events with all funds benefitting the foundation. Your business can attract the highest number of local
individuals for the least amount of advertising dollars. Be the first to sponsor our events which will attract friends, family, business and acquaintances from the foundation. These loyal supports will support sponsors when making their buying decision. Not to mention, your business name will be observed throughout the marketing process.

Participate in Events

Get involved and participate in the foundations events. You will walk away with a sense of accomplishment from participating and helping your community.

Donate to the Foundation

Every little bit helps. Right now you can donate to the foundation by sponsoring a runner.